For shipping companies to maintain efficient supply chains for routine or urgent maintenance spares and equipment is essential to their business. When a vessel needs a spare part, an expert freight forwarder in shipping, logistics and supply chain management is required to organize timely delivery. Supplying the ship with spares mobilizes supply chain services in freight forwarding, warehousing, supply chain management, ship supply and marine and offshore support. Choice of effective transport modes to deliver onboard within customer deadline trades off timing and cost concerns and assumes responsibility for the entire supply chain.
Competence of freight forwarder enabled to deliver “spare parts in transit” should include a comprehensive and effective network of partners encompassing the Global market in serving at any port. Special “in transit” customs clearance must be provided as ships in international trade are exempt from paying any of taxes and duties to various countries they berth.
The term “in transit” denotes that the parts are destined to go onboard a foreign flag vessel and are just transiting the country where they arrive as freight and depart as parts onboard the ship as an end-user.
We ship regularly spare parts to any port the ship awaits delivery. Our experts Team and global logistics network ensure local partners of tested and proven efficacy, competent to the industry and fit for purpose. We provide bespoke solutions and complex full service door to door, express transports, heavy cargo, customs clearance and supply chain management.
Our services are offered within our unique compliance portfolio which includes AEO Accreditation, ISO-9001: …. Quality Management, ISO-14001: ……. Environmental Practices, and IATA Cargo Agent status.