
SKY Couriers sustainability program includes environmental and social topics. We connect people and goods through sustainable logistics solutions. SKY Couriers is committed to meet the Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations.

Environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability focuses on the conservation of biodiversity without foregoing economic and social progress. The foundations of environmental sustainability are: safeguarding water, saving energy, reducing waste, using recyclable packaging, limiting or eliminating the use of plastics, using sustainable transport, reusing paper and protecting flora and fauna.

Social sustainability

Social sustainability in particular has the goal of strengthening the cohesion and stability of specific social groups. SKY Couriers respects and promote the human and labor rights forms. Integrity is at the center of everything we do, making us a reliable and trustworthy business partner. Diversity and Inclusion - At SKY Couriers we believe that we as a company have the responsibility to create a space where everyone feels welcome and everyone feels important.